Voila! Almost there!

Thanks for choosing Bridge Stacks. Please follow these easy steps to give us access to your social pages so we can start the work.

Step A: Account Access Privileges to your Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn pages

Please email us your valid login info for your Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram pages (if it's included in the package). Here is the email for that purpose

Step B: Give Admin Privileges of Your Facebook Page

Copy the following email address and paste in the User Roles segment of your Facebook page. A profile will appear and you’ll be required to select that profile and assign Admin rights to it. Assigning Admin rights is important because we’ll be managing your page through that profile. Here is the email address to copy and paste

Detailed Walkthrough for giving Access Rights on your Facebook page

You can either watch the video above or simply follow this simple walkthrough

Step 1: Log in to your account.

Step 2: Go to shortcuts of your pages and select the desired page.

Step 3: Go to Settings and then click on Page Roles.

Step 4: Add our email address “managers@bridgestacks.com” and click Add.
Please make sure you choose “Admin” as its role
If you have any confusion then simply drop us an email and we’ll get back.